As a high school to college specialist, I constantly get the question, "What should I take in HS to be prepared for college?" The truth is that most of the work you do in HS is for your HS. It is not intended to prepare one for college. HS classes are mostly aimed at meeting a state mandate. Colleges have long complained about the disconnect between what is taught in HS and what is needed in college. Honors Classes, PreAP, AP, IB? Looks good if you are in the top 10% of your AP or IB class, otherwise these are just busywork!
Being stuck at home doing online classes 8 hours a day is the perfect opportunity to cut the cord and focus your HS on what really matters: GPA, Essay Writing, & Personal Exploration.
Ideal High School Schedule
9th - Freshman

English 1 - Take any reading/writing program that focuses on paragraph mastery
Math 1 - Take Algebra 1 or higher, but only if the student has proven pre-algebra mastery
Science 1 - Take Intro to Biology or Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC)
History 1 - Take any World History plus a bit of Geography. AP HUG. Exam is optional
Foreign Language 1 - Take 1 year of any FL that excites the student. Consider ASL or Latin
Fine Art - Take one semester of any type of art. Second semester is an elective
PE - Take one semester of any sport, health, dance, cheer, etc. Second semester is elective
Electives - Taking 1-2 electives per year is ideal. These should be fun or easy GPA boosters
10th - Sophomore

English 2 - Stick with literature but progress to the next level of essay writing (essays)
Math 2 - Take Geometry or higher. Repeat or extend courses as needed to assure mastery
Science 1 - Take Integrated Phy/Che (IPC). Avoid full year Chem. or Physics
History 2 - Take American History or HIST 1 & 2 at Dual Credit
Foreign Language 2 - Take 1 more year in the same language you did last year
Fine Art - Take one semester of any type of art. Second semester is an elective
PE - Take one semester of any sport, health, dance, cheer, etc. Second semester is elective
Electives - Taking 1-2 electives per year is ideal. These should be fun or easy GPA boosters
11th - Junior

English 3 - Take ENGL Comp 1 & ENGL Comp 2 via dual credit
This will be 2 semestes of dual credit
Taking the AP Lang. Comp. Exam is optional for good testers
Intro to Public Speaking and Literature via dual credit are a solid replacement
Math 3 - Take College Prep Math or Business Math
Goal is to pass the PSAT with 520 or better or
Place in the top 20% of your state's college math placement exam
Algebra 2, Trig, and PreCalc should only be taken for engineering pathway
Science 3 - One semester of any lab-based science
Choose a non-Science Major version such as Intro to Chemistry or Physics
The other semester of science can be an elective or another dual credit science
History 3 - One semester of US GOVT & Macroeconomics via dual credit
This can be split up over 11th & 12th grades
Foreign Language 3 - Done, but may continue as desired.
Take matching CLEP if you continue
Fine Art - Not req'd. One semester of any type of art that motivates the student is optional
PE - Not req'd. One semester of any type of PE that motivates or keeps the student healthy is optional
Electives - Taking 1-2 electives per year is ideal. Explore subjects that could lead to a career
12th - Senior

English 4 - Take any writing, literature, speech, or humanities class of choice via dual credit
If ENGL Comp 1 & 2 has been completed via dual credit then English 4 is flexible
Math 4 - Take one semester minimal of any dual credit math
College Algebra or Math for Business are the more ideal choices
Intro to Statistics or General Math are great options for non-mathy students
Consider doing two semesters of math in dual credit and being done with college math
Science 4 - One semester of any lab-based science
Choose a non-Science Major version
Consider Intro to Biology (which is now "Advanced Biology")
Consider Environmental Science, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology, etc
Two semesters of dual credit science is all you will ever need for college unless you are a science or engineering major!
History 4 - Take any one of the following that has not already been completed
Dual credit HIST before Civil War
Dual credit HIST after Civil War
Dual credit US GOVT
Dual credit MacroEconomics
Dual credit Psychology (if you are likely to need it for your college major)
Foreign Language 4 - Done, but if you continue, take the matching AP Exam
Fine Art - Not req'd. One semester of any type of art that motivates the student is optional
PE - Not req'd. One semester of any type of PE that motivates or keeps the student healthy is optional
Electives - Taking 1-2 electives per year is ideal. Explore subjects that could lead to a career
