Using high school "classes" to explore & engage.
No matter where or how you do school, your student may not be 'all in'. This is normal. The student might appear uninterested in school, lazy on tests, unmotivated to do homework, or even belligerent, angry, and/or depressed. These are all common but the typical treatment for such problems is not very successful: threats, bribes, medications, or even boot camps.

The best treatment for school related angst of any kind is ENGAGEMENT!
How Do You Engage a Student? Best question you ever asked. You engage by getting rid of busywork (any work that is being done just because you are 'supposed' to do it) and add in explorative work that allows the student to find meaning in what they are doing.

If you want to never see this in a classroom again, then find a way to get rid of repetitive school work. Replace it with engaging courses that allow the student to explore their career options.
If you are a home schooler or doing a custom program with LeeWay Academy, then you will be doing your core classes in an efficient way like dual credit, AP, or CLEP that allows the student to see the value of their class work. But you will have a lot of extra time since these options are super efficient (when used correctly). So what do you do with that extra time? You take one-off classes or join clubs that let's the student engage.
Here are some wonderful examples of credit high school classes you can find a various cooperatives or online that will engage any student and motivate their other school work!
American Girls - Blog Post for American Girls
Ancient Science - 40 Time-Traveling, World-Exploring, History-Making Activities for Kids
Art Journalism - Great for Taking Class Notes
Backyard Ballistics - Backyard Ballistics Project Book (Physics Fun!)
Basket Weaving (Yes, literally)
Beginning Beading (Jewelry Making)
Bibliovores - Blog Post for Bibliovores (For kids who devour books)
Blood and Guts - Blood and Guts, Homeschool Share Body Lapbook
Camping Adventure - Blog Post for Camping Adventure
Candymaking - Sample Syllabus for Candymaking
Careers with Animals - Volunteer with zookeeper, pet store owner, veterinarian, animal shelter worker, animal trainers, groomers, conservation officer, kennel attendant, etc.
Caring Quilts - Blog Post for Caring Quilts
Chess (leagues both online and around town)
Choir - Sample Syllabus for Choir
Collage Art - Sample Syllabus
Computer Coding - Just one option, there are many!
Cook with Books - Blog Post for Cook with Books
Cooking Around the World - Blog Post for Cooking Around the World
Cooking for the Family - Sample Syllabus
Creative Cupcakes - Blog Post for Creative Cupcakes
Creative Writing - Blog Posts for Creative Writing
Crochet - All Craft Channel
Dare to Draw - Blog Post for Dare to Draw
Detective Science - Sample Syllabus for Detective Science
Digital Photography - Sample Syllabus for Digital Photography
Discovering Great Artists - Art Projects Inspired by Famous Artists Pinterest Board
Down the Nile - Ancient Egypt Lapbook, Ancient Egypt History Pockets
Drama for Divas and Dudes - Sample Syllabus for Drama for Divas and Dudes
Face Painting - Face Painting TV
Famous Battles - Thumbs Up for History
First Aid - Red Cross
Fun with Fitness and Games - Sample Syllabus for Fun with Fitness and Games
God’s Smuggler(s) - VOM Bold Believers Downloads
Greek Mythology - Sample Syllabus & File Folder Reports for Greek Mythology
Hackathons - Online & Near You
Heroes of the Faith - Sample Syllabus for Heroes of the Faith
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution - Incredible Creatures Videos
Indiana History - Sample Syllabus for Indiana History
Into the Wardrobe Literature Class - Blog Post for Into the Wardrobe
Introduction to German - Sample Syllabus for German
Introduction to Guitar - Sample Syllabus for Introduction to Guitar
Introduction to Sewing - Petit Atelier
Inventors & Inventions - Enchanted Learning
Junk Box Wars - Junk Box Wars (Team Challenges)
Knitwits (Knitting Class) - Sample Syllabus for Knitwits Knitting Class
Missionary Heroes - Sample Syllabus for Missionary Heroes
Mixed Media Art Class - Free from Top Universities Peer Editing - Teaching Writing with a Peer Editing Co-op
Scrapbooking & Card Making
Sign Language - For Credit or Just for High School
Snap Circuits - Syllabus for Snap Circuits
Speedometry - Speedometry Curriculum
Strategic Board Games & Logic Games - All Ages
Tell Me a Story - Show Me a Story
Think! Team Building Challenge - Blog Post for Think! Team Building Challenge
What’s Bugging You? - Blog Post for What’s Bugging You? (upper elementary)
What’s for Breakfast? - Blog Post for What’s for Breakfast? Cooking Class
Woodcarving - Online & Free
Yoga - Everywhere and Online
Zentangle Art - Skill Share

Don't Let This Be Your Student