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13 min read
National Awards for High School Students
Lots of college applicants have perfect GPA, perfect SAT, perfect ACT so how can you compete? Win national awards while in high school.
2 min read
Nationally Competitive Scholarships
Awards for top students at any college in any major! What are they? Awards that recognize and support students from across disciplines to...
1 min read
Great Colleges for So-So Students
How to get into good colleges with a few B's. If you are starting your senior year and have a transcript that's not ideal, don't freak...
4 min read
The WOW Factor
7 Ways to Stand Out in College Admissions When applying to colleges, you have one shot to impress. Along with top grades and a solid SAT...
3 min read
SAT Prep: Take out the fear factor, bring on success!
Spending $1000's on specialty SAT prep and investing months of effort in after-school tutoring have become the norm. Yet scores are flat.
2 min read
Should You Test?
Teens today take a lot of tests, but most of these tests do not help the college admissions process. Which tests should you take? And when?
3 min read
College Application Mistakes to Avoid!
College application season is well underway. Most top colleges require priority applications to hit the submit button no later than...
3 min read
The College Essay
Admissions put a lot of weight on high school grades and test scores, but your essay will carry a lot of weight and affect scholarships!
Kathe Lee
3 min read
How To Build Your Own Transcript
If you live in a state that allows you to home school, then you most likely have the right to create and maintain your own transcript....
3 min read
College Recommendations (LOR)
Colleges value recommendations because they: Reveal things about you that grades and test scores can’t.
5 min read
Medical School Internships for High School Students
This guide will explain what experiences are open to you as a high school student thinking about going to medical school someday!
4 min read
AP Prep Online
AP is a class that involves tons of busywork for very little reward. But did you know you can take an AP test without taking the class?
6 min read
What Colleges Are Looking For
A record showing three years of increasingly rigorous work in the classroom will be the primary focus of any admission decision!
3 min read
Duke TIP Has Ended. What Now?
The highly touted national Academic Talent Search Program has permanently ended. All previous activities for for excelled middle school...
27 min read
Scholarship Mega List | Part 1
Updated: October 15, 2021 There are lots of scholarships out there but finding them, scanning them for eligibility, and applying can...
19 min read
Scholarship Mega List | Part 2
Updated: October 15, 2021 There are lots of scholarships out there but finding them, scanning them for eligibility, and applying can...
3 min read
'No Loan' Colleges
Applying to "No loan" & "Promise" colleges can help any family avoid debt - No student loans! That huge!
3 min read
National Merit Money
Fortunately, there are still many good colleges that offer monetary awards for freshman applicants who are National Merit Candidates.
3 min read
How To Motivate Your Teen!
Using high school "classes" to explore & engage. No matter where or how you do school, your student may not be 'all in'. This is normal....
6 min read
Volunteer Online during COVID
If Covid has you stuck at home doing school online all day, it's easy to forget about your extracurriculars resume, but actually now is...
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